Shared by billspaced

Is this guy a hardgainer? Or has he imposed an unworkable routine on himself? He’s doing 20 sets for chest…and doing full-body workouts.

Either he isn’t a hardgainer and is actually building muscle


He’s a hardgainer and not helping his situation AT ALL by training the way he is.

bench-3*20,15,10; incline bench-3*20,15,10; decline-3*20,15,10; front/lateral raises-4*15; upright rows-4*15; shoulder press db-4*15; db bench/ flys-4*15;
Is this guy a hardgainer? Or has he imposed an unworkable routine on himself? He’s doing 20 sets for chest…and doing full-body workouts.

Either he isn’t a hardgainer and is actually building muscle


He’s a hardgainer and not helping his situation AT ALL by training the way he is.

Jul 20, MY FULL BODY WORKOUTWeight Training Exercises Blog

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